Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The Basics

Search Engine Optimization: The Undeniable Content Basics

Search Engine Optimization: The Undeniable Content Basics


Search engine optimization is incredibly dynamic. However, nothing is more search engine friendly than relevant and valuable web content; no matter how often search engines change their algorithms.


Unique content is important

There is a lot the sameness on the internet when it comes to content – rehashed, rephrased but the same message on closer inspection. Although content overload is a real thing, yet there are some glaring gaps in some subjects and niche fields. How do you create valuable content? Each post should aim at problem solving; provide answers, gives new perspectives, forecasting trends etc.


Regularly update your website and blog

Your websites’ about page may not be updated as often as its news section but not having a content calendar as to what to updated when is risky Sites with outdated content are penalized by any search engine. This is true for a small construction business or news agency. Action this: Create a calendar schedule to ensure pages updates are regular. What you say about your business in real life should always match what you put online.


Diversity that content portfolio

All text websites in an age when people simply do not have the time to read should be avoided Make web content easy to scan and digest key messages by creating multimedia. That means anything from live event coverage and video interviews, to insightful infographics, checklists and how-to guides.


Great content is viral content – Make it easy spread the word

How readers consume and share your content affects web rankings so making sharing easy a norm is important. Some easy ways is to embed “tweet this” call to actions over block quotes in an article; add visuals to the text and open up the comments section.


Keywords & phrases

  • Search engine optimization
  • Search engines
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