SEO for dental offices / dentists in Johannesburg, Gauteng

SEO for dental offices / dentists in Johannesburg

SEO for dental offices


SEO for dental offices / dentists is a definitely a must for all the dentists who want to attract more patients and make their practice visible online. Dentists need to do all they can in order to further promote their practices and the best way to do this is investing in SEO for dental offices / dentists. Pictures sell, if people see lovely white teeth and good content around it, they become interested in trying out this dentist who does magic in whitening their teeth. SEO for dental offices / dentists need to take advantage of local listings’ ability to rank and ensure your profile ranks high on these platforms, below are some of the tips that dentists can do to achieve these:


Choosing The Right Keywords

Content is key. Your keywords will ensure that you rank top therefore one needs to find keywords related to it. This method requires you to start by researching the top-performing affiliate products in your niche market. If you are new to SEO for dental offices / dentists, this could be as simple as setting up an account with Click Bank and looking for products that tie into what you would write about on your website or blog but, it is important to know that only experts can help you achieve the best results, checkout


Some Possible Keywords Could Be:

  • Dentist near me
  • Dentist + [location]
  • Good dental surgeon
  • Orthodontist


Building A Good Website Structure

To make your website easier to use for your visitors, you need to have a good website structure. Google wants to send its users to websites where they can have a great user experience. Because a website with a poor user experience will lose visitors before they can even enjoy the great content. Make it easier to navigate – the best practice in terms of navigation is to have your website pages accessible in no more than 3 clicks. If your visitors have difficulties in accessing your page, it can lead to a higher bounce rate.


Building Valuable On-Site Content

Useful content is the way you get results online. Without useful content on your website, there’s a low probability of showing up on search engines. But what do we mean by useful content? This is the type of content that provides the solution a page visitor is looking for. According to the Google search quality evaluator guidelines, a high-quality page is determined by its purpose. As a dental practice, your content is even more important and Google wants the best and most accurate pieces of content on your website.