Apple App Store Ranking Factors
Google Play Store Ranking Factors
App Reviews and Ratings
Now that your app is live and is featuring for relevant keywords in the two app stores. It is strongly recommended that you ask for feedback from your customers. Both App stores take into consideration the feedback and reviews from your customers and this contributes to your app ranking. Truth be told, 75% of users first read a review of your app before downloading an app. This gives them assurance that the app is safe, works correctly and is ultimately a good investment for the user.
It is import for you to engage with your customers by replying to the comments or reviews they have left. This solidifies the fact that there is support associated with the app and provides confidence in the app for the user.
Thanks for taking the time to read this article. Here at Fast Forward Marketing we strive to educate individuals and companies alike. For mor information, please contact us at We are always keen to take people and apps to the next level. 😊