Digital Marketing for Therapists in Johannesburg, Gauteng

Digital Marketing for Therapists Johannesburg


When growing your practice as a therapist is one of your goals is getting enough bookings, you are mostly going to be a bit confused with so many different marketing strategies, here are a few Digital Marketing for Therapists strategies that are helpful to market your therapist practice.


  1. Content Marketing


Content marketing is the best way for therapists to market themselves. Well, it’s providing great content like articles, podcasts, and videos, of which are powerful Digital Marketing for Therapists tools. So that your potential clients fall in love with you before they even meet you in person. Your content positions you as a trusted authority, and you stand out from the crowd with your marketing.

If you’ve yet to dip your toe into the content marketing pool, this is a great time to do so. You can start with one or two blog posts. It gets easier as you go. For an already experienced therapist, then they should consider paying attention to less content and paying more attention on promotion. What’s the point of a great article that nobody ever reads? That can be discouraging. You may want to produce less content and focus more of your time on making sure you get in front of your potential clients. Some of the biggest content marketers are now recommending new content twice a month, rather than every week.


  1. Social Media


Social media content alone is no longer enough. To achieve effective Digital Marketing for Therapists, you must incorporate paid ads to market effectively on Facebook and other social media platforms. Reason being :


  • Fewer and fewer people are visiting your Facebook page. They may visit once when they are checking you out. Then they may visit again when they are ready to call you. In between, they want to see your content in their news feed.
  • Social media feeds are saturated, since there has been a huge transformation. At any given moment, there is far more content that could possibly be shown in any one person’s newsfeed. This means that the only way to consistently and reliably reach your target audience is through paid promotional strategies.



Back in the day, therapists only paid ads if they wanted to accelerate their results with Facebook, but all that has changed now. Now, your ad strategy is far more important than your content strategy.

This is simply because, people are getting more invested in social media, spending more time on it per day, and consuming more information from social media.

Video Marketing

Video is a powerful Digital Marketing for Therapists tool, and one that is going to continue to grow quickly. Since so few therapists use it, you can really set yourself apart when you make video part of your marketing strategy.